Harley-Davidson Factory Tour, York, PA

Harley-Davidson Factory Tour

York, Pa 1425 Eden Road
York, Pa


Things to see in the Philadelphia Area before you die.

This is America, this is our motorcycle. This is THE place to check out. Frames, fuel tanks, and fenders are manufactured here.


Badass frame at York Factory

Badass motorcyclists and enthusiasts alike will enjoy this tour.

Everyday Tours

First come first serve, tour is about an hour long

Steel Toe Tour
Mondays and Thursdays
9:30a and 12

The Steel toe tour is more one on one. Requires steel toe shoes, safety vest, and goggles. It is more behind the scenes and you can go where a lot of the employees go.

Which means rumbling off onto the sunset.

Price $35
Ages 12 and up
reservations must be made for this more “up close and personal tour”